Thursday, May 27, 2010

"Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives . . ."

Days of Our Lives is the story of the Horton family and all the people who crossed paths with them and their friends over the last three decades.
   It all began with Tom Horton, who was born in the Midwest town of Salem in 1910. He so loved and admired his father, a physician in general practice, that he looked forward to being just like him when he grew up. It was no surprise that Tom eventually became a doctor, too.    
   In high school, Tom dated Alice Grayson, an intelligent, sensitive teenager, a year younger than Tom. She came from a blue-collar family headed by her dad, who was lovable but somewhat irresponsible. He had started out as a fine cabinetmaker, but because of a weakness for drinking, eventually became a handyman. Perhaps a bit of social embarrassment kept Alice withdrawn, buried in books and fantasy. However, with Tom's persistent love, Alice blossomed into an outspoken and handsome young woman. They wed a few years after she graduated high school in 1930.
    Tom had been the star pitcher of his high school baseball team and athletic ability served him well. Later, while at the local university and already married, he earned money by playing for a local minor league team. If not for his dedication to medicine and serving humanity, Tom likely would have pursued a professional baseball career.
     Tom completed his military service, reaching the rank of captain in active duty in the South Pacific during World War II. Afterward, he began his medical career as a professor or internal medicine at University Hospital in Salem.
     He was always well-liked as a student, soldier, athlete, and physician. Tom was always ready to lend an ear --- or some money when he could. He tried always to see the best in people and let them learn by their own choices, whether he viewed their actions in their best interests or not.

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