In the mystical wonderland, Greta and Austin were presented with a series of challenges to test their virtue. Although the magical landscape resembled paradise, it was filled with serpents, monsters, and an "evil Sami!" For months on end, the duo passed tests of lust, bravery, virtue, and compassion before reaching a magic door back to the castle. In order to leave with the money, however, Austin had to face one more challenge...a gladiator battle to the death! After narrowly escaping with his life, Austin and Greta returned to the castle and made plans for her coronation.
Charles was frustrated by Greta's successful return and planned to assassinate her at her coronation. Meanwhile, the Salemites arrived in Paris to attend the ceremony. Moroni set his sites on killing Victor, Sami and Brandon at the coronation as well. When the ceremony began, Greta as shocked to learn that there was no money to inherit! Thinking fast, Austin encouraged the guests to contribute money to help the orphans. Meanwhile, Sami sneaked into the coronation and was overcome with jealousy when she saw Austin dancing with Greta.
All of a sudden, gunfire ripped throughout the ballroom striking most of the guests. John went into mercenary/doctor mode and began administering aid to the wounded. Angela was fatally injured and fading fast. With her last breath, she begged her father to give Brandon the confession tape (Franco's murder) and he complied. Moroni was riddled with guilt and remorse over his daughter's death took his own life. The survivors grouped together and fought to save the dying guests. Mimi, John, and Greta were all rushed to a French hospital in critical condition; John was placed on life support, Mimi's gunshot wounds proved to be very serious, and Greta was rushed into emergency surgery. A wounded Victor secretly left the ballroom and all the Salemites assumed he was dead!
At the hospital, Austin stood by Greta's side as she fought for her life. Sami was desperate to win back Austin's love and she donated blood to the dying princess. Greta eventually recovered but troubles were far from over; she had to contend with Sami to hold on to the man she loved...Austin.
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